Hey, Benjamin J. Grimm!
What time is it?
That's right, Mister G! It's the
Bully Blogiversary! Yes, today (well, yesterday really, but I wanted to post a Memorial Day tribute instead) is the fourth anniversary of
Comics Oughta Be Fun! Can ya
bullieve it? On
May 25, 2005, I kicked off this blog with a review of
The Amazing Spider-Man in which Peter was married to Mary Jane, issues from two series (
Hulk and
JLA) that have been cancelled and restarted in the meantime, and a cheap swipe at J. Michael Straczynski. In other words,
nothing important has changed.
So, grab your toasting beverage of choice...
...and let's take a quick trip down Memory Lane, or, as it's been re-named by the Bullyville Chamber of Commerce,
Some of My Favorite Posts of the Last Year!
Whew! That's a lotta good posts! (And even more crappy ones.) But by far the highlight of this past year was meeting one of my greatest heroes, a person who I've been longing to meet for a long, long, time...
Oh, no. Not that guy. But rather...

But, no matter the highlights of a year, I always enjoy lookin' forward to the one coming up. I want to thank you all for following along, sending me great comments, and for laughing at my lame jokes. I also want to single out one of my perpetually favorite commenters and thank her: C'mon up on stage and get a big Bully hug,
Miss SallyPM! Sally consistently and frequently comments with humor and enthusiasm on a very large majority of my posts, and it's always a delight to see her comments pop up on screen. Thank you Sally, thank you
everyone for reading along this year.
But especially and most of all, thank you,
Randi. I luv you with all my little satin stuffed heart!
So! Thanks for hangin' out here in 2009, hope you'll stick around through 2010 and beyond, and most of all...
keep reading comics!!