Born on this day in 1926: comics artist (best known as an inker)
Joe Sinnott, who should always be included within the names that built the Marvel Age. He inked extensive runs on
Fantastic Four, The Avengers, The Defenders, Thor, and has worked on pretty nearly every major Marvel title.
from Mighty Marvel Comics Calendar 1976-1979 (March, 1975-1978)
Joe was arguably the finest inker on Jack Kirby's
Fantastic Four (and
Thor!), and, I'd propose, on John Byrne's FF run too!
Aw geez, that pun in the last panel.
from Marvel Age #34, 58, and 94 (Marvel, January 1986, January 1988, and November 1990); text by Jim Salicrup (#34), Mike Carlin (#58), and Chris Eliopoulis and Barry Dutter (#94); pencils and inks by Ron Zalme; colors by Adam Philips (#34), Paul Becton (#58), and Marie Javins (#94)