from Spider-Man: Marvels Snapshots #1 (one-shot) (Marvel, December 2020); script, pencils, and inks by Howard Chaykin; colors by Jesus Aburtov; letters by Ken Bruzenak
Aw, that's no good! For one thing, you can't read the numbers. And also, who still uses a land line and answering machine these days? (Looks up at the panel) The Dutch, that's who!
Here's a real calendar you can use this month of July 2024, courtesy of Your Friendly Neighborhood Pre-Pubescent Menace:

"July 1968" from Dennis the Menace Giant #51 [Dennis the Menace Christmas Special] (Hallden/Fawcett, Winter 1967), creators unidentified and unknown
Shoot off those firewworks if you got 'em, kids! Right into Mr. Wilson's house.