- August 17, 1865: See, now, Alanis, this is what irony means (M.D. #3)
- August 17, 1931: Marty McFly travels through time to watch the first Merry Melodie cartoon (Back to the Future: Citizen Brown #1)
- August 17, 1942: Makin' Whoopee (It Really Happened #3)
- August 17, 1943: Art being cut off to make room for an ad? This is why comics needs a union (Heroic Comics #22)
- August 17, 1952: Newbie gamer mistakenly sets difficulty on "hard" (Battle Action #14)
- August 17, 1954: Comics Code Authority greeted with old woman shouting "Boo! Boo!" (Comic Book Comics #2)
- August 17, 1955: Newspapers finally have ears so now they can wear cool sunglasses (Big Town #39)
- August 17, 1955: Agent Felix Franklin reports to his FBI superior, Charlie Brown (The Vain #3)
- August 17, 1975: Satana causes a car accident by wearing a skintight bodysuit while hitchhiking, again (Marvel Premiere #27)
- August 17 (1988?): Hijacked plane lands safely at invisible airport (Wolverine #1)
- August 17, 1991: We now return to Chandler Bing, NYPD. (Madonna #1)
- August 17: Even master criminals cannot figure out who killed the chauffeur in The Big Sleep (Adventure Comics #145)
- August 17: This should probably be on August 17, but hey, go with the date in the panel (Legends of the Dark Knight #5)
Industry birthdays:
- August 17, 1945: Rachel Pollack
- August 17, 1952: Alex Saviuk
- August 17, 1956: John Romita, Jr.
- August 17, 1801: John Cadbury
- August 17, 1959: Jonathan Franzen
- August 17: Lois Lane
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