House ad for DC Special Series #15 [Batman Spectacular] (Summer 1978); Showcase [Deadman] #105 (never published), Demand Classics #1 (never published); and Western Classics #1 (never published)
printed in Batman #304 (October 1978)
I've discussed
the DC Implosion earlier in this series, and here's a house ad for
three out of four comics that fell like an abandoned building in the Implosion. That is, except for
"Batman Spectacular" (actually
DC Special Series #15), they were cancelled and
never published.
Demand Classics and
Western Classics were to contain all reprints, so you didn't miss anything by them going kaput. What about the "25 all-new pages" of Deadman "from the pages of Adventure Comics..."? Well, they probably should have added at the bottom of that ad "
To the pages of Adventure Comics, because yes, that story
did see print ten months later in
Adventure #464.
Cover of Adventure Comics #464 (July-August 1979), pencils and inks by Jim Aparo, colors by Tatjana Wood
Now, if you were the detail-oriented sort of comics reader, you may have specifically noticed that ad at the top had promised you a new 25-page Deadman thriller, but if you counted the story pages in
Adventure #464, the Deadman story tops out at
22 pages. Where the Sam Scratch did the other three pages go? Into some sort of spooky limbo from which mortal man would seldom see them again?
Well, yes, sorta! Even tho'
Adventure #464 was 68 hefty pages for a buck, three pages were cut from the original Deadman story to make it fit in the comic with the four other "all-new super-star features." As seen in
Adventure, page four looked like this:
Panels from "Requiem for a Deadman!" in Adventure Comics #464 (July-August 1979); plot by Len Wein; script by Gerry Conway; pencils, inks, and letters by Jim Aparo; colors by Glynis Wein
The missing three pages fell between panels 2 and 3 of this page, and were published (to keep the copyright when
Showcase ended) in the infamous
Cancelled Comic Cavalcade, the Xeroxed book of stories that were left hanging high and dry after the DC Implosion. Here's what you were missing, a little ministory about Deadman saving a young kid in peril:

Pages from "Requiem for a Deadman!" in Cancelled Comic Cavalcade #2 (Fall 1978)
CCC #2 also published the artwork for what was to have been
Showcase #105 (funny, why didn't they just adapt this for
Original cover to Showcase #105 (unpublished), pencils and inks by Jim Aparo well as the covers for what would have been
Demand Classics #1 (look familiar?) and
Western Classics #1:

Original covers to Demand Classics #1 and Western Classics #1 (unpublished). Demand: pencils by Dick Dillin, inks by Frank McLaughlin. Western: pencils by James Sherman, inks by Maurice Whitman
Why, they even published
the last can of Who-Hash the text page that would have accompanied "requiem for a Deadman" in
Showcase #105with an unfortunate ad at the bottom:
Text page from Showcase #105 (unpublished), written by Paul Levitz
According to this, those
three issues of World of Krypton I featured back on April 12 were to have been published in the pages of
Showcase #110-112! Instead,
Showcase's cancellation inadvertently led to the first comic book miniseries ever!
And, for completists' sake, here's a letter from
Adventure Comics #464 that addresses how DC were using the backlog of unpublished stories in books like this one:
So there you go: a Deadman story that, just like its protagonist,
wouldn't quite stay dead.