Y'know, despite my cheerful bullish optimism, not
everything in comics is fun. To channel the spirit of the Piano Man, let's revisit some of the
not-fun moments of 2006:
Reed Richards is black-hearted
JLA just can't get started
Alley-killer Uncle Ben
No new Wonder Woman till when?
Thing got cancelled, Nextwave too
Franklin's abandoned by Sue
Whedon's X-Men is a bore
I don't recognize J'onn no more
The Question keeps on getting sick
Tony Stark's a total dick
Dark Speedball
Booster's dead
Pantha's Bouncing Rolling Head
Negative Zone Gitmo,
(Yes I know Pantha was a year ago)
Civil War
Killer Clor
I can't take it anymore!
Enough! If you know me, you know I am a little stuffed comic fan with a positive attitude on life. And despite my gloomy outlook above, there's actually a lot to celebrate in 2006: dozens of comics that made my
fun list week after week. So, when you're feeling gloomy or discouraged about the state of contemporary mainstream comics, remember that
Comics Oughta Be Fun!
Don't believe me? Why, for shame, buster, coz when I pick my fave comics of the year, I can't just narrow 'em down to five or ten: I've gotta go all-out hog wild and give you
half a hundred...that's how much fun 2006 was!
So,without further ado, here's the first ten of fifty reasons why comics were fun this past year: beginning the countdown of Bully's
"Fun Fifty for 2006!":
50. AMERICAN SPLENDOR: Harvey Pekar's renowned and acclaimed autobiographical comic gets a new lease on life at Vertigo (and, I hope, new readers who hadn't discovered him before) and shows us that slice-of-life stories of traffic woes and plumbing disasters are every bit as entertaining and touching as superhero shenanigans.
49. FANTASTIC FOUR: THE END: Pitch-perfect beautiful Alan Davis art is the highlight of this future tale which would be an "Elseworlds" if it were published at DC. There's much, much more than just the FF in this story as well: you might even consider it
Marvel Universe: The End for its amazing range of characters from the Avengers to the Inhumans, the Silver Surfer to Sh'iar. A Marvel fanbull's dream.
48. MOUSE GUARD: This beautifully-illustrated and elegantly-told saga only just happens to star rodents but is one of the best fantasy comics in the past several years, never mind only 2006. It deserves to be praised in the same breath as breakout successes like
Bone, which built its fan base in its early issues with a solid publication schedule, so let's hope a second
Mouse Guard series is coming soon. Also, I do hope the non-traditional square-sized format isn't keeping you from pickin' it up!
47. BATTLER BRITTON: Garth Ennis reinvents the classic British comic book hero air ace, keeping the realism (but not the ultra-violence and adult language) of his acclaimed
War Stories series. A great comic to hand to your friends who don't care for superheroes: if they enjoyed
Saving Private Ryan or
Band of Brothers or
Flyboys or
Flag of Our Fathers, this is a perfect introduction that comics aren't just for kids anymore.
46. SUPERMAN RETURNS: One of the most eagerly-awaited movies of the year: it made over $200 million and still was considered by Hollywood to be "not a massive success." Whoa, that's some screwed-up economics if you ask me! What
did make it a success in my little button eyes was its careful attention to modern sensibilities that built upon the much-revered Christopher Reeve films, especially in its portrayal of the eternal Lois/Clark/Superman love triangle and the longing ache in Kal-El's heart that he is forever separated from the woman who is the center of his universe. And
oh boy, that space plane sequence!
45. FANTASTIC FOUR: FIRST FAMILY: Proof to this slightly-cynical stuffed bull that a massive continuity implant doesn't have to violate the spirit of characters we know and love (I'm lookin' at you,
X-Men: Deadly Genesis). Filling in the blanks between panels of
FF #1 may be a thankless job, but this mini gave us a compelling and interesting tale of Reed, Sue, Johnny and Ben learning to live with their powers, at the same time not being a rip-off or copy of Kirby.
44. LOCAL: Quiet, moody, and sometimes heartbreaking loosely-connected tales that are pitch-perfect in capturing the neighborhoods featured in each issue, not simply through lively art but through the spirit and energy of the very different locales. I'm especially and personally partial to the spot-on Park Slope, Brooklyn issue (#6) which perfectly captures the distance New Yorkers put between each other, but every issue is a gem and feels like it's genuinely moving towards a distinct and definite conclusion rather than simply wandering aimlessly issue after issue.
43. DETECTIVE COMICS: This is the first of several Bat-books on this year's Fun Fifty: it was a very good year to be a Bat-fan.
Batman: The Animated Series guru Paul Dini's issues were the highlight for me: mostly done-in-one adventures that actually featured Batman using his detective skills, and #826's Joker-versus-Robin joyride is some of the best personality work on either character in many issues. The needlessly-cheesecakey artwork of the Poison Ivy issue aside, this is the best
Detective has read and looked in years.
42. DOCTOR STRANGE: THE OATH: I was mildly interested but not enthusiastic about a new Doc miniseries; 2005's JMS
Strange series seemed to be a needless reinvention and pointless padding of Doctor Strange's origins and I didn't have true faith Marvel was going to make up for that. Surprise, surprise: an entertaining tale that calls upon Doc's skill both as both sorcerer supreme and surgeon is highlighted by a touching portrayal of his friendship with Wong, plus a wonderful reinvention of the campy old Night Nurse character as a "why didn't anyone think of that before?" surgeon to the superheroes.
41. STAN LEE MEETS...: It's considered fair game to poke fun at Stan for his endless self-promotion (and really, one of these days I
would love to hear out of his own mouth "When Jack and I created the Fantastic Four" or "When Steve and I created Spider-Man")...but I'll forgive the grand old man of comics his bombastic personal hype for what his work has influenced and led to: the quirky and ultra-detailed Marvel Universe, so unlike what had gone before that no one has ever been able to quite copy it. That's why I quite enjoyed the series of
Stan Lee Meets... comics, an anthology series of unapologetically goofy stories in which the Man meets his co-creations.
Stan Lee Meets the Thing was my favorite not only because I love Ben Grimm but because it was the one book of the series that treated its hero character straight, without a modern or slightly cynical marketing twist, but every issue had a handful of decent laughs, and the choice of classic Stan Lee Marvel issues for backups was a lovely and nostalgic touch. I'd definitely pay to see some
Jack Kirby Meets... comics, but until then, these books are the epitome of the Marvel idea: characters and creators that take a ninety-degree twist not merely from reality but from the norm of what had come before them. Excelsior!
Bully's Fun Fifty for 2006 continues tomorrow with #40-31!