This is an expanded and updated version of a post originally published November 28, 2012.
Friday the Thirteenth! Which really is only a bummer if you're superstitious. Modern, educated people — like, say, journalists for a Great Metropolitan newspaper —
don't believe in superstition! Why, in the
clickbait pageturningbait of Pre-Crisis
The Daily Planet, Perry "Non-Chief" White doesn't have a superstitious bone in his body! He also doesn't have a
soup bone in his body, and that's only the
first disappointment in this story for dogs.
from "Lois Lane's Kiss of Death!" in Lois Lane #7 (February 1959), script by Robert Bernstein, pencils and inks by Kurt Schaffenberger
In any other universe (except perhaps Peter Parker's) this editorial edict would lead a dull and mundane tale of Lois reporting on something light and frothy that will get printed, if she's lucky, on the "Life In These Here United States" page. But
not in a Pre-Crisis Superman tale! Yep, it all adds up to this...
the death of a dog.