So, Professor Charles Xavier, what do
you want on your Tombstone? And by that, I don't mean pizza, I mean
how do you want to die?

Panel from The First X-Men #1 (October 2012), script by Neal Adams and Christos Gage, pencils and inks by Neal Adams, colors by Matthew Wilson, letters by Clayton Cowles
Yeah, well, we can't always get what we want. Because Charles Xavier pretty much went out
like a chump.:
Panels from Avengers vs. X-Men #11 (November 2012), plot by Jason Aaron, Brian Michael Bendis, Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction, and Jonathan Hickman; script by Brian Michael Bendis; pencils by Olivier Coipel; inks by Mark Morales, colors by Laura Martin; letters by Chris Eliopoulos
that's gotta hurt. Well, at least we can all say that even though he went out like a chump, it took five of Marvel's top writers to kill him. I'd like to think that would have been a comfort to him, but it probably wasn't, huh, Professor X? Let's try that first panel again, huh? This time with an additional image:
Second panel from X-Men: Prelude to Schism #1 (July 2011), script by Paul Jenkins, pencils and inks by Roberto de la Torre, colors by Lee Loughridge, letters by Rob Steen
Ah well. There's always your
third death to try again, Charley.