Hi everybody!
Sue Storm here, reminding you of the importance of good nutrition and having a sensible, balanced breakfast! Why, we here at the Fantastic Four get together each and every morning around the kitchen table to start the day out right! We all need our vitamins, and Ben needs his minerals, so take a clue from our happy family:
don't skip breakfast! You need to be in your best shape to fight Doctor Doom, explore the Negative Zone, and fit into Reed's patented skintight unstable molecule uniforms!
Here at the Baxter Building I make it a point to make sure every member of the Fantastic Four gets breakfast. My brother Johnny burns a lot of calories, so he thinks a morning meal of
toast is the greatest thing since sliced bread. Careful, Johnny: as it says here in
The Jack Kirby Cookbook, care must be taken while toasting bread to avoid burning toast unless it is desired in that state. Burnt toast is possibly carcinogenic, due to elevated levels of benzopyrene! Gosh!

Ben is the hardest to cook for. His appetite is usually so enormous! But take a hint (and a recipe) from Aunt May Parker and cook that hungry man some hearty, filling
wheatcakes! Served up with butter and syrup, they'll satisfy even Ben!

And what about
Reed? Oh, that man o' mine! He's always in such a hurry to get back to his lab that he never has time for much more than a cup of coffee! Well, let me tell you a secret: what Reed doesn't know is that I've liquefied an entire ham in every cup of coffee he drinks! He'll get his hearty breakfast by hook or by crook, or my name's not Susan Mary Storm
Namor Richards!

Of course young
Franklin enjoys his assortment of cold cereal. The store was out of his favorite brand,
Kirby Krackles, so he'll have to make do with these:

...and for me, a healthy and nourishing whole grain cereal:

So take a hint from your happy and radioactive housekeeper, me,
Sue Storm: make sure your family gets a healthy and nutritious breakfast every morning! There's no need you have to set off to fight the Mole Man feeling as hungry as Galactus! Hee hee!