Born (or hey, at least baptized) on this day in 1608:
Thomas Fuller, churchman and historian, author of
Worthies of England, and probably the first professional writer, but not of
Superboy, who quotes him:
from "Brotherly Hate!" in Superboy (1949 series) #172 (DC/National, March 1971), script by E. Nelson Bridwell, pencils and inks by George Tuska, letters by Joe Letterese
Happy birthday, Thomas Fuller, and even if you can't actually
appear in a comic book, feel honored that you've been name-dropped by the one and only Kid Kal-El, teenage teen of the thirtieth century, who is obviously reading ahead of his class level! Geez, Clark, stop showin' off. Read some
Hardy Boys once in a while.
Also, he lived in the
seventeenth century, ya gigantic superdweeb.