Supes and Wondy! Sittin' in
a tree the air! K-I-S-S-I-N...well,
R, I guess then.
Cover of Justice League v.2 #12 (October 2012); pencils by Jim Lee; inks by Scott WIlliams; colors by Alex Sinclair
Let's trace the history of this super-couple (I call them
Cliana), not as we usually do via TMZ and
Screw Up Your Life People magazine, but by looking at their various romantic antics (I call them
romantantics) going
backwards in time from today to before the Crisis. Okay? Okay. Get your timesuits and and let's check in on...the
New 52! (It's corny, but I call it

Panels from Justice League v.2 #12 (October 2012), script by Geoff Johns; pencils by Jim Lee; letters by Patrick Brosseau; inks by one or more of the following (inhale): Scott Williams, Sandra Hope, Jonathan Glapion, Mark Irwin, Matt Banning, Rob Hunter, Joe Weems, Alex Garner, and Trevor Scott; colors by some assortment of these people: Alex Sinclair, Gabe Eltaeb, Tony Avina, Sonia Oback and/or Alex Sinclair. Gosh, you don't think Jim Lee could have fallen behind on his pencils and in a rush to keep the book on schedule DC farmed it out to multiple inkers and colors? Nawwwwwwww.
Ewwwwwwww. This is
too mushy for
this little stuffed bull. Let's go back in time to the late eighties, when Kim Wilde ruled America with her iron fist, and immense, giant hairstyles stalked the land, and peek into Diana and Kal (I call them
Di-al) playin' kissy-face in the
Post-Crisis DC Universe!

Panels from Action Comics v.1 #600 (May 1988), script and breakdowns by John Byrne, finishes and inks by George Perez, colors by Tom Ziuko, letters by John Costanza
More mushy stuff! What, is this comic
made of oatmeal? (Mmmmm...delicious, sugary oatmeal.) Luckily, by the end of the comic book Superman and Wonder Woman decide to
just be good friends. Hooray! let's all cheer platonic superhero relationships!
And finally, here on good old
Earth-1, we see Superman and Wonder Woman (I call them
Superman and Wonder Woman) deciding to
not have a love affair. And deciding it with a gosh
darn it!
Panels from World's Finest Comics #204 (August 1971), Script:
script by Denny O'Neil, pencils by Dick Dillin, inks by Joe Giella
you make up your own mind: which version of the Supes/Wondy-mance do
you prefer? Me? I'm a li'l old-fashioned, sure, but I take my Clark the way I take my coffee: with a
heaping tablespoon of Lois Lane. After all, as Carly Simon once said to me, that's the way I've always heard it should be. Isn't that right, Superman?