- July 4, 1776: Battlestar willfully ignores at least four of the US amendments (Captain America #347)
- July 4, 1776: Daredevil's trademark stupid sense of humor is formed (Daredevil #135)
- July 4, 1776: HULK SMASH GEORGE THREE! (Indestructible Hulk #11)
- July 4, 1776: Liberty Bell rings out fearlessly but hopes that one day Mace will avenge it (The Invisibles #16)
- July 4, 1776, 1802, 1826, and 1863: Boring Real-Life Patriotic Stuff (Real Life Comics #1 and others)
- July 4, 1777: Bassist for Led Zeppelin surprises everyone with his naval aptitude (All-American Men of War #73)
- July 4, 1870: Actual bear in human suit cleans up town (Real Fact Comics #12)
- July 4, 1908: First entirely pointless use of the American flag in unrelated athletic exhibition (Real Life Comics #9)
- July 4, 1921: Young Clyde Beatty eaten by lion (Real Fact Comics #15)
- July 4, 1939: I hope you didn't expect me to have a joke for this one, because I love Lou Gehrig (Real Fact Comics #5 and others)
- July 4, 1946: Johnny Everyman means well but OH MY GOD PLEASE STOP CALLING HIM BONGO, JOHNNY (World's Finest Comics #26)
- July 4, 1962: The infant Jack Kirby is rocketed to Earth from his exploding home planet (Freedom Force #1)
- July 4, 1964: Batman reads that new Stevie Nicks biography (Batman: Harvest Breed)
- July 4, 1966: The Fictional President of the United States regrets his agreement to do a cameo in the movie Catalina Caper (L.E.G.I.O.N. '95 Annual #5)
- July 4, 1976 and 1776: Every 616 Hero Liked July 4 a lot / But the Grinch from the 31st century, did not! ( Spidey Super Stories #17)
- July 4, 1978: Spider-Woman #7:
- July 4, 1979: Crimson Dynamo successfully prevents Peter Parker from romance (Marvel Team-Up Annual #2)
- July 4, 1996: Alan Moore visits the US Capitol (The Dreaming #6)
- July 4, 2018: That reminds me, Batman, I want my gift of a toaster back (Batman #50)
- July 4, 2026: Stop trying to make blimps happen (Captain America #28)
- July 4, 3007: Korvac decrees hot dogs, burgers, and insurgents shall be grilled today (Captain America #18)
- July 4: Adventure Comics #145:
- July 4: Archie comes back (Archie #662)
- July 4: The Avengers don't notice galaxies exploding behind them (Avengers: The Ultron Imperative)
- July 4: G. Gordon Godfrey's "I Have a Terrible, Hideously Agonizing Dream" speech (Batman #401)
- July 4: Pretty much business as usual in Gotham City (Batman: Arkham City: Endgame #5)
- July 4: Dick Grayson discovers The Smiths (Batman: Dark Victory #10)
- July 4: Alfred plagiarizes Arthur Conan Doyle (Batman: Detective #27)
- July 4: Bruce lies to Selina (Batman: The Long Halloween #10)
- July 4: Batman is sorry he hired a robot DJ for his Fourth of July party (The Brave and the Bold #103)
- July 4: Baby, you're a firework (DC Comics: Bombshells #8)
- July 4: Atom travels to Earth-Prime specifically to inconvenience Julius Schwartz (DC Comics Presents: The Atom #1)
- July 4: The Jimmy Olsen Gang pulls its most daring heist (Detective Comics #137)
- July 4: Before he added an additional dimension, Mr. Mxyzptlk used to be a lot easier to fool (Detective Comics #227)
- July 4: Martian Manhunter dies (Detective Comics #247)
- July 4: Lazy playboy Bruce Wayne arrives to switch on Christmas tree lights (Detective Comics #1018)
- July 4: Comic book ruined by not including the little stuffed bull usually sitting on top of the computer monitor (Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man #5)
- July 4: Iris West reminisces about condiments (The Life Story of the Flash)
- July 4: Human Torch accidentally destroys Glenville (Not Brand Echh #7)
- July 4: Riverdale One-Shot:
- July 4: Killer shark threatens holiday fun (Secret Origins Special #1)
- July 4: Popeye's cousin continues to serve out his 25-30 for bunco fraud (Star Comics #5)
- July 4: Ma Bell's "Reach Out and Murder Someone" promotion is surprisingly popular (Strange Tales #4)
- July 4: It's business as usual in Smallville (Superboy #102)
- July 4: America, Heck Yeah! (ToyFare #56 and others)
- July 4: Chuck Austen completely ruins the Fourth of July (X-Men #161)
- July 4: We've got our own fireworks here at Hydra, thank you very much (A Year of Marvels: July Infinite Comic)
Industry birthdays:
- July 4, 1895: Howard Ferguson
- July 4, 1900: Charley Miller
- July 4, 1776: Uncle Sam
- July 4, 1917 or 1918: Captain America
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