In this panel from
Jungle Action #18 there are forty Wakandan warriors. None of them can be seen. In this post we hope to show you
how not to be seen.

All panels from Jungle Action #18 (November 1975), script by Don McGregor, pencils by Billy Graham, inks by Bob McLeod, colors by Don Warfield, letters by Dave Hunt
This is Mrs. L. J. M'kando of Central Wakanda City. Mrs. M'kando has chosen a most cunning way to conceal herself: through the use of
(Click pixchur 4 x-tra kittehs)
Mrs. M'kando has learned the first lesson in how not to be seen: keeping herself from being...heh heh heh...easily
Bonus Jungle Action #18 fun!:
True or false: The title of this story is 'Epilogue!':

False! What you think is the title is actually a rare cloud formation native to the land of Wakanda that to
some people might appear to spell out letters than the human mind
tricks into thinking it looks
vaguely like the word "Epilogue"!

At certain times during rainy season on the Wakandan plains, this cloud formation can be seen for many miles, unless you're in Northern Wakanda, in which case it would spell 'EUGOLIPE'.

Native superstition says that 'when epilogue cloud hangs low in the sky, a woman by laser arm attack will die.' It's an oddly accurate prophecy.

It would be many years until Queen Ororo Munroe came to Wakanda and, through the use of her mutant weather powers, discovered that the mysterious cloud was actually an advertising campaign for Epilogue Motors, home of T'Khandra's Wacky Wednesday Wheels-a-Rama Sale. That's
Epilogue Motors, conveniently located in Wakanda City, just off Panther Highway, behind the Appleby's!