from Hot Valley Days and Cocaine Nights #1 and 3 (Antarctic, December 2020-February 2021), script by Matthew Spradlin, pencils and inks by Farid Karami, colors by Andrew Crossley
Born on this day: Dana Moreshead, who's worked in advertising and management at Marvel, Stan Lee Media, and Disney Parks, and has also written and colored for Marvel (Excalibur, Marvel Comics Presents, Deadpool, Rogue, X-Factor, etc.)!
Happy birthday to the man born today in 1915: comics colorist (and penciller, and inker, and letterer!) George Roussos (aka George Bell)!. He's worked on so so many comics I can't list them all here, but (ahem) he inked early issues of (ahem) JACK KIRBY'S FANTASTIC FOUR.
from Marvel Age #32, 56, 92 and 104 (Marvel, November 1985, November 1987, September 1990, and September 1991); text by Jim Salicrup (#32), Mike Carlin (#56) and Chris Eliopoulis and Barry Dutter (#92 and 104); pencils and inks by Ron Zalme; colors by Andy Yanchus (#32), Paul Becton (#56) and Renee Witterstaetter (#104)
Born on this day: Lawrence "Kris" Parker, better known to y'all as rapper, actor, and producer KRS-One (Return of the Boom Bap, The Sneak Attack, Kristyles, and much more)!
from Hip-Hop Family Tree Two-in-One (FCBD 2014) one-shot (Fantagraphics, May 2014); script, pencils, inks, colors, and letters by Ed Piskor
from Jenny Sparks: The Secret History of the Authority #4 (WildStorm, November 2000), script by Mark Millar, pencils by John McCrea, inks by James Hodgkins, colors by Ian Hannin, letters by Bill O'Neil
from The Wicked + the Divine #20 (Image, June 2016), script by Kieron Gillen, pencils and inks by Jamie McKelvie, colors by Matt Wilson, flattens by Dee Cunniffe, letters by Clayton Cowles
Born on this day sometime in the thirtieth century: Jann Arrah, who we know as Element Lad! You know, the giant Legionnaire with the big ears and the long trunk and...sorry, I've made another one of my silly mistakes. That's Elephant Lad.
from Super DC Calendar 1976 (DC, 1975), letters by Ben Oda
from Young Justice (2011 series) #11 (February 2012), script by Greg Weisman, pencils by Christopher Jones, inks by Dan Davis, colors by Zac Atkinson, letters by Dezi Sienty
from Young Justice (2011 series) #11 (February 2012), script by Greg Weisman, pencils by Christopher Jones, inks by Dan Davis, colors by Zac Atkinson, letters by Dezi Sienty
Born on this day: comics artist and animator Chuck Patton (Justice League of America, Green Arrow, Action Comics Weekly (Nightwing), The Brave and the Bold, Detective Comics, more)! He co-created Vibe, Gypsy, and Jinx! He's (self) pictured here with DC writer Len Wein.
from DC Challenge #2 (DC, December 1985), co-plot and script by Len Wein; co--lot and pencils by Chuck Patton, inks by Mike DeCarlo, colors by Carl Gafford, letters by John Costanza
A very happy birthday to you, Chuck! Help yourself to a piece of cake! Not that big one; that's mine.
from Marvel Team-Up (1972 series) #44 (April 1976), script by Bill Mantlo, pencils by Sal Buscema, figure inks by Mike Esposito, background inks by Dave Hunt, colors by Janice Cohen, letters by Karen Mantlo
Celebrating a birthday today: Skip Dietz, who's written stories for Marvel Comics Presents, Inhumans, Uncanny X-Men, X-Factor, and Infinity War! Also, Impossible Man and Rick Jones here tell us he was a "coordinator" at Marvel!
from Marvel Age #104 (Marvel, September 1991), text by Chris Eliopoulis and Barry Dutter, pencils and inks by Ron Zalme, colors by Renee Witterstaetter
Hope you're havin' a fine Unity Day! What's Unity Day? Um....
from Superman (2018 series) #14 (DC, October 2019), script by Brian Michael Bendis, pencils by Ivan Reis, inks by Joe Prado and Oclair Albert, colors by Alex Sinclair, letters by Wes Abbott (Click picture to Legion-size)
Born on this day: comics writer Robert Venditti, co-creator of Damage II (Ethan "Elvis" Avery) and The Surrogates, scripter on Hawkman, Green Lantern, Hal Jordan and the GLC, Justice League, Superman '78, Demon Knights, Freedom Fighters, Book of Death, Wrath of the Eternal Warrior, X-O Manowar, and many more books!
Born on this day in 1587 (so you know she's more mature than you): Virginia Dare, the first English child born in a New World English colony. And not the last, but you know how that went.
from Batman/Spawn: War Devil one-shot (DC/Image, May 1994); script by Doug Moench, Chuck Dixon, and Alan Grant; pencils, inks, and colors by Klaus Janson; computer colors by Steve Buccellato; letters by Todd Klein
And now, a much less creepy depiction of that event!:
from "The Story of Jamestown, Virginia" in Flash Comics (1940 series) #63 (DC/All-American, March 1945), script by M. C. Gaines and W. W. D. Sones, pencils and inks by Allen Simon
from Psi-Force #21 (Marvel/New Universe, July 1988), script by Fabian Nicieza, pencils by Ron Lim, inks by Mike Witherby, colors by Nelson Yomtov, letters by Rick Parker
Born on this day in 1907, Jeron Criswell King, better known to B-movie fans as The Amazing Criswell! Wikipedia: "an American psychic known for wildly inaccurate predictions." You may remember him from the opening sequence of Plan 9 from Outer Space, written and directed by America's only cinematographical artiste, Ed Wood!
from "Ed Wood Jr." in The Big Book of Weirdos (DC/Paradox, April 1995), script by Carl Posey, pencils and inks by Mitch O'Connell, letters by Rod Ollerenshaw
Criswell died in 1982. Ya think he predicted that?
from "The Edward D. Wood, Jr. Players Trading Cards" in Heavy Metal v.9 #1 (Heavy Metal, April 1985); script, pencils, inks and letters by Drew Friedman
Happy birthday, Criswell, baby! I predict birthday cake tonight!
"Criswell Predicts," opening scene of Plan 9 from Outer Space (Reynolds Pictures, Inc., 1957), written, directed, edited and produced by Ed Wood
from The Wicked + The Divine #20 (Image, June 2016), script by Kieron Gillen, pencils and inks by Jamie McKelvie, colors by Matt Wilson, flattens by Dee Cunniffe, letters by Clayton Cowles
Born on this day in 1913, Major League baseball player and manager Rudy York! With one-eighth Cherokee ancestry and less-than-perfect fielding abilities, York prompted sportswriter Wayne Minshew to declare: "He is part Indian and part first baseman."
from "Indian Sluggers" in King Comics #67 (David McKay, November 1941), pencils and inks by Jack Burnley
And he enjoyed the iconic Breakfast of Champions: Wheaties!
Wheaties advertisement from DC Comics cover-dated January 1949