'Tis the first of the month again, folks, and besides being
my seventh birthday, it's time to welcome in
from Mighty Marvel Calendar 1981 (Marvel, 1980)
And I hope you get your fair share of baseball, apple pies, and Chevrolets all this month.
Let's kick if off good with the first of four fabulous
falendars calendars that're from past years, but you can use 'em again in 2022, because such is the cyclical nature of time! "All this has happened before, and will happen again," in the words of my pal Bill Adama, and he oughta know. He was on
Miami Vice!
It's also time for your traditional gift-giving of
July Calendars! Here's one for ya!
from "The Riddle of the Gold Stagecoach!" in Western Comics #71 (DC, September 1958), script by Gardner Fox, pencils and inks by Howard Sherman, letters by Morris Waldinger
Ow wow, that's not gonna be much help. Let's see what else we've got...
...oh hey! A calendar from a Spider-Man comic that
actually works in 2022! Way ta go, Spidey!
from Amazing Spider-Man (1963 series) #245 (Marvel, October 1983), script by Roger Stern, pencils by John Romita, Jr., inks by Dave Simons, colors by Bob Sharen, letters by Joe Rosen
Eh, too much Spider-rompin' all over this month if you ask me.
Okay, enough foolin' around! Here's the
1994 2022 Marvel Age Calendar, ready for you to cut out, color, and tack up on your wall, but first, can you locate the
error in this page! Get your magnifying glass out to check every detal, or, you could just click on the picture to embiggen.
from Marvel Age #139 (Marvel, August 1994), pencils and inks by Darren Auck
(Click picture to, as I said above, embiggen. Weren't you paying attention?)
Didja spot the error yet? No, it is
not that my birthday is not listed (although, hey!). It's that this month's Classic Clash is listed as coming from
Daredevil #7, which, quite frankly, I don't see as happening. And neither does Dared(is dragged off-stage by the hook)
Nope! This is obviously just a typo or error, because DD #7 featured a Classic Clash of its own in The Man WIthout Fear vs. The Man Without a Shirt (aka Sub-Mariner).
This Panther vs. Inhumans bout took place in
Fantastic Four Annual #5, and I think it would go a li'l somethin' like this:
from "Divide — and Conquer!" in Fantastic Four Annual (1963 series) #5 (Marvel, November 1967), script by Stan Lee, pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Frank Giacoia, colors by Stan Goldberg (?), letters by Sam Rosen
Og course, by the Rules of Marvel Engagement™, two groups of heroes must always fight upon first contact. It's not just a Stan Leeism,
it's the law.
Of course, no truly heroic Marvel clash last for long, and this one's over pretty quick as the Black Panther and the Uncanny Inhumans (they were called that before the X-Men were, you know! It's a
Bully Fact!) make peace and team up to confront a bigger menace than each other standing on their section of the beach, kickin' sand in each other's faces.
That's why I call this installment "Jaw-dropping July Joinery," because when you get these two forces together for a Marvel Team-Up, there's nothing they can't triumph against! Except Psycho-Man, who shows up a handful of pages later and can only be defeated by the FF, but then again, that's why it's the
Fantastic Four Annual.
Enjoy your calendar! Enjoy your July!