from "Hall of Fame of the Air" in King Comics #30 (David McKay, September 1938), script by also-famous aviator Eddie Rickenbacker, pencils and inks by Clayton Knight
Happy birthday, Cap'n Howard!
And, as far as I know, he's the only bone of contention between me and Michael Moorcock. Michael Moorcock is a sweet sweet man - I believe he has only ever written one letter of complain to a publisher over the appropriation of his work, that was to DC Comics over Grant Morrison, so the only bone of contention between me and Michael Moorcock is which of us Grant Morrison is ripping off the most. I say that it's Michael Moorcock, he says it's me. We've nearly come to blows over it, but I'm reluctant to let it go that far, because, I'm probably more nimble than Moorcock - I've got a few years on him, I'm probably faster, but Moorcock is huge, he's like a bear. He could just like take my arm off with one sweep of his paw, so we'll let that go undecided for the moment.
But, those are pretty much my thoughts on Grant Morrison, and hopefully now I've explained that I won't have to mention his name again.