Born on this very day many many (many!) years ago:
Fin Fang Foom, The Most Fearful Menace of All!
from Marvel Age #100 (Marvel, April 1991); text by Chris Eliopoulis and Barry Dutter; pencils and inks by Ron Zalme (altho' that picture looks very Art Adams-y to me, doesn't it?), colors by Renee Witterstaetter
Well, April 26 is what it says here in
Marvel Age #100, so it's
canon, fanboys!
Note: may not be canon.
cover of Strange Tales #89 [first appearance of Fin Fang Foom] #89 (Marvel, October 1961), script by Stan Lee, pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Dick Ayers, colors by Stan Goldberg, letters by Artie Simek
Happy one millionth, Mister Foom! You don't look a day over 850,000, big guy.