- October 4, 1801: First utterance of the phrase "we're gonna need a bigger boat" (Manifest Destiny #19)
- October 4, 1918: Forget second breakfast, these guys didn't even get the first one (The Stretcher Bearers)
- October 4, 1927: Morpheus is a sucker for door-to-door encyclopedia salespeople (Locke & Key/Sandman: Hell & Gone #1)
- October 4, 1944: Constant Moon is cancelled after three performances (Rocketeer Adventures #1)
- October 4, 1946: That time Captain America died (#2 of a series) ( Captain America and Bucky #627 and What If…? #4)
- October 4, 1948: We're going to need a montage (Larry Doby, Baseball Hero one-shot)
- October 4, 1949: Yankee Stadium simultaneously praises the Yankees and fish eggs (Don Newcombe one-shot)
- October 4, 1949: Batman begins his extensive bullet collection (World's Finest Comics #50)
- October 4, 1952: The Beginning of The End (Weird Fantasy #13)
- October 4, 1957: Wow, Sue's got quite a mouth on her (Marvel Comics Presents #2)
- October 4, 1962: A phone conversation with the stupidest man in show business ( The Beatles: Their Story in Pictures)
- October 4, 1967: Flying submarine crash kills all four Beatles (UFO Flying Saucers #2)
- October 4, 1982: Wolverine discovers that as falls Rennselaer, so falls Rennselaer Falls (Captain America Annual #8)
- October 4, 1986: This new silly straw that Ozymandias invented is really disgusting (Doomsday Clock #7)
- October 4, 1989: Todd McFarlane and Rob Liefeld: threats or menaces? (Amazing Spider-Man #327)
- October 4, 1989: Graham Chapman cleverly escapes another Python meeting (Comics: Monty Python)
Industry birthdays:
- October 4, 1964: Marcus McLaurin
- October 4, 1720: Giovanni Battista Piranesi
- October 4, 1822: Rutherford B. Hayes
- October 4, 1895: Buster Keaton
- October 4, 1989: Death of Graham Chapman
- October 4, 1946: Death of Captain America II (William Naslund)
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