Oh, Matt Murdock, in a town that has 24/7 cable station
NY1, why do you rely upon newspapers so much to get your hearsay and scuttlebutt of the crime comings and goings in Manhattan? Y'know, there's lots of alternatives to rubbing your hypersensitive fingers all over those filthy, ink-smudged rags like
The New York Daily News,
The New York Post,
Metro and of course,
The Daily Bugle, the only newspaper in the country whose slogan is "Curse you, Spider-Man!" He may be very good at rubbing his fingers over a newspaper and picking up the minuscule impressions left by those mighty presses upon flimsy wood pulp, but I still bet he has troubles reading
Cathy. How can we explain Counselor Murdock's fondness for a dying industry in today's bold new information age, when he could be reading the news by rubbing his fingers all over his computer monitor? Well, that last one can be explained by Foggy's troublesome online porn addiction, but otherwise, where's the attraction to a newspaper, DD?
Maybe it's the fact that in the Big Apple, newspapers seem to
love running headline stories about guys in red spandex with horns:
look out, DD! Just like an issue of
Marvel-Team Up with Some Guy Who Turns Out to Eventually Be a Villain, you never know when the press is going to
turn on you like a rabid dog!
Well, can you
blame 'em? After all, a picture is worth a thousand words...even if it
has been turned into the paper by "El Photoshoppo," the villain who can put Queen Elizabeth's head on Madonna's body!
Yes, Daredevil and newspapers have a strange and beautiful relationship...
Most of all, DD finds newspapers useful in his never-ending battle for truth, justice, and the seeing-eye dog's way...a good fish-wrapper is a crimefighter's
greatest tool in combatting crooks:
But fear not for the defeated costumed crook, dear reader...instead,
weep for the poor innocent 1970s Marvel comics caught battered and torn in the fight!
Yes, around Daredevil and his reckless Gladiator-tossing ways,
all periodicals shiver in fear,
especially comic books like
Nova! And...um...
That's why Daredevil
always champions newspapers and other popular methods of news dissemination:
After all, as we can see through the eyes of Elektra
Nachos Natchios in this panel of
Daredevil's Girlfriend, Elektra #6, newspapers tell us all
sorts of amazing and interesting things, right up until the point where the typesetter has a heart attack!
Yes, in Elektra's world, newspapers fight illiteracy by featuring only a few words on each page plus lots and lots of easy-on-the-eyes white space.
Ya know, whoever wrote the headline
Los Angeles Hit By Bad Weather...well, I just hope he got nominated for a Pulitzer.
Yes, after having her brain scooped out and replaced with special magic ninja foam, Elektra finds it easy to read newspapers with the classified section, business news, and London fax numbers all on the same page. Well, at least it makes more sense than
That's why in the Marvel Universe, the motto of the
Los Angeles Times is
Gotta dog? We'll advertise it in 128 point type!
So now you know all about the newspapers in DD's world and how they help out him and his little lady friend-and-psychopathic assassin-for-hire Ellie N. in their chosen careers as costumed vigilantes in a world they never made. Why, just about the only thing that frustrates Daredevil about being blind is that he can't fully appreciate
everything they print in a newspaper:
But don't spare Matt Murdock any tears over
that...why, he's got
that problem solved with a subscription to his
favorite Braille magazine:
So remember, Daredevil always says:
Except for the times when he says: