from Marvel Age #31 (Marvel, October 1985), text by Jim Salicrup, pencils and inks by Ron Zalme, colors by Andy Yanchus
Plus, he's the creator/scripter/artist on Epic's Heavy hitters miniseries Offcastes! Here, female and male friends associates weigh on his aethestic of designing female characters for the series.

from Offcastes #1 (Marvel/Epic, July 1993), script and art by Mike Vosburg
Mike was also the first artist to draw Christy Marx's creator-owned series The Sisterhood of Steel. Here, he and Christy bid the reader a fond farewell in a pin-up at the end of the first miniseries's final issue.

from The Sisterhood of Steel #8 (Marvel/Epic, February 1986), script by Christy Marx, pencils and inks by Mike Vosburg
Happy birthday, Mike!

from Offcastes #1