from "Lakefront Larrupers: The Cleveland Indians" in Baseball Thrills #3 (Ziff-Davis, Summer 1952), pencils and inks by Everett Raymond Kinstler, letters by Ben Oda
from Providence #6 (October, September 2015), script by Alan Moore, pencils and inks by Jacen Burrows, colors by Juan Manuel Rodriguez, letters by Kurt Hathaway
from Comic Book History of Animation #4 (IDW, February 2021); script by Fred Van Lente; pencils, inks, and letters by Ryan Dunlavey; colors by Adam Guzowski
from "The Isle of the Dead" in Real Fact Comics #14 (DC, May 1948), script by Jack Schiff, Mort Weisinger, and/or Bernie Breslauer; pencils and inks by Howard Sherman (?)
Born on this day in 1899, so he knows ALL about the Y1.9K virus: actor Neil Hamilton, star from stage to silents to movies to television, plus advertisement modeling and even a little song and dance!
from "Screen Scoops" in Movie Comics (1939 series) #2 (DC/Picture Publications, May 1939); text, pencils and inks by Walter Galli
from "Mental Marvel" in Real Fact Comics #5 (DC, November 1946); script by Jack Schiff, Mort Weisinger, and/or Bernie Breslauer; pencils and inks by Nat Edson
Born on this day in 1917: comics writer/artist and fine art painter Frank Robbins (creator of the Johnny Hazard strip, Batman, Detective Comics, Weird War Tales, House of Mystery, Superboy, The Invaders, The Human Fly, and more)! And he co-created Man-Bat, the Ten-Eyed Man, Union Jack, Spitfire, and Baron Blood!
from Mighty Calendar Calendar 1976, 1977, 1978 and 1979 (Marvel, 1975-1978)
Born on September 9, 1890: Colonel Harland Sanders, chicken magnate. That's magnate, nor magnet, because I don't know how you could have a magnet for chickens.
from Cracked #188 (August 1982), script and art by John Langton
from Back to the Future (2015 series) #25 (final issue) (IDW, October 2017), co-plot and script by John Barber, co-plot by Bob Gale, pencils by Marcelo Ferreira and Athila Fabbio, inks by Maria Keane, colors by Jose Luis Rio, letters by Shawn Lee
Born on this day in 1925: actor and comedian Peter Sellers, who appeared (several times more than once!) in many films over a thirty year career, notably as bumbling Inspector Jacques Clouseau in the Pink Panther movie series.
from Film Fun #2095 (Amalgamated UK, 12 March 1960)
Born on this day 101 years ago (1921) in Swansea, Wales: comedian, actor, singer, and writer Sir Harry Secombe, one of the greatest Welshmen in modern history but mostly unknown to American audiences.
from Film Fun #2904 (Amalgamated UK, 5 March 1960), by Bertie Brown
from Batman: The Long Halloween #12 (DC, November 1997), script by Jeph Loeb, pencils and inks by Tim Sale, colors by Gregory Wright, letters by Richard Starkings (Click picture to Grundy-size)
from All-Star Squadron #61 (September 1986), script by Roy Thomas, pencils by Mike Harris, inks by Tony DeZuñiga, colors by Carl Gafford, letters by David Cody Weiss
from "The Isle of the Dead" in Real Fact Comics #14 (DC, May 1948), script by Jack Schiff, Mort Weisinger, and/or Bernie Breslauer; pencils and inks by Howard Sherman (?)
Born on this day: Rob Tokar, Marvel Comics assistant editor and editor in the late eighties and early nineties, as well as occasional scripter and colorist (The Punisher, What If...?, The Avengers, NFL SuperPro, more)! Since then he's worked at Disney, Blizzard, TokyoPop and Tokartoons!
from Marvel Age #93 and 105 (Marvel, October 1990 and October 1991), text by Chris Eliopoulis & Barry Dutter (#103) and Mike Lackey (#105), pencils and inks by Ron Zalme, colors by Marie Javins (#93) and Renee Witterstaetter (#105)
from Infinity Inc. (1984 series) #7 (DC, October 1984), text by
Joey Cavalieri
Happy birthday, Helena Wayne!
from "From Each Ending...A Beginning!" in DC Super Stars #17 (DC, November 1977), script by Paul Levitz, pencils by Joe Staton, inks by Bob Layton, colors by Anthony Tollin, letters by Ben Oda
Born on this date, the Queen of Rock 'n' Roll, Chrissie Hynde of the Pretenders!
from "Ralph Carney" in American Splendor: Our Movie Year (Random House, December 2004), script by Harvey Pekar; pencils, inks, and letters by Gary Dumm
Happy birthday, Chrissie!
"Don't Get Me Wrong" by the Pretenders (Real Records/Sire, 1986), written by Chrissie Hynde
It's Rhodey's birthday and Elektra is all broken up about his death and HOLY COW THAT'S TONY STARK
from Invincible Iron Man #599 (June 2018), script by Brian Michael Bendis, pencils and inks by Stefano Caselli, colors by Marte Gracia, letters by Clayton Cowles
from The Punisher (1987 series) #10 (August 1988), script by Mike Baron, pencils by Whilce Portacio, inks by Scott Williams, colors by John Wellington, letters by Ken Bruzenak
cover of Heroes in Crisis #3 (January 2019), art by Ryan Sook
Which means it's the anniversary of the day this happened:
from Wonder Woman (1987 series) #219 (DC, September 2005), script by Greg Rucka, pencils and inks by lotsa people, colors by Tanya Horie and Richard Horie, letters by Todd Klein
from Back to the Future (2015 series) #11 (IDW, August 2016), script by John Barber, pencils and inks by Marcelo Ferreira and Áthila Fabbio, colors by Jose Luis Rio,, letters by Shawn Lee
from Black Hammer: Age of Doom #9 (Dark Horse, March 2019), script by Jeff Lemire, pencils and inks by Dean Ormston, colors by Dave Stewart, letters by Todd Klein