The Mid-Day Matinee this week, all week:
Sergio Aragonés! He's the MAD master of marginalia, art guru of
Groo, and creator of his own brand-new comic from those crazy cats at Bongo (you really should be picking it up!)...but this week, as we
fear gear up for Halloween, let's look at his creepy, kooky, altogether ooky work for DC's
House of Mystery: the silent gag panels of "Cain's Game Room" and the gleefully ghoulish activity page "Room 13!" Lock your doors and turn on all the lights...because it's
Sergio Aragonés Week!

"Cain's Game Room" from House of Mystery #176 (September-October 1968), script by Joe Orlando,
pencils and inks by Sergio Aragonés

"Room 13" from House of Mystery #226 (August-September 1974), by Sergio Aragonés
Special sniffing-model glue bonus!: The first in a series of ads for politically-incorrect what-were-you-thinking-1960s model automobile kits: the dubiously pop-cultured hot rod model car of
Erwin Rommel, Commander of the 7th Panzer Division Afrika Korps in World War II! (Apparently, although it's not in any history books
I checked, he was a
creepy skeleton!) Now you can yell to him:
Rommel! You magnificent bastard! I built your car!
Ad from House of Mystery #183 (November-December 1969)