Tuesday, June 26, 2018

An Adora-bull Song I'll Love For-heifer!

HOLY COW My online pal Chelsea, akak Twitter's TravelsWithBrindle (Brindle is the name of her trusty uke!), has written me a Theme Song as part of her ongoing 100 Days of Ukulele Songs! WOW. I am bestonished and flabberwhelmed! And one, two, three four hit it Chelsea!:


You too can find her and follow her on the social medias and support her fine project! THIS LITTLE BULL HEARTILY SUPPORTS HER!
Now if you'll excuse me, I'mma gonna go sing this song to everyone I know!

Monday, June 25, 2018

Comics at Housing Works: Comics books! We got 'em!

No photos specifically of them, sorry, but today's rich vein of comics in the Comics Cave at Housing Works Bookstore and Café produced a big run of Generation X (check out the comics cart), DC Star Treks, the original Mister X (including #1 with art by Los Bros Hernandez)...

...and a kind donation of several recently published comics from DC, Archie, and Valiant including Hawkman #1, Superman Special #1, Titans Special #1, several Riverdale and Archie, and so much more! You can buy 'em from the Comics Rack and Comics Cart at Housing Works, so drop in an' say "hi hi hi!"