A very happy birthday — and we wish he were here to celebrate it with us — to
Kevin O'Neill, born on this day in 1953 and passed away late last year. He's written, drawn, and colored stories in
2000 AD, Toxic, Buster, Green Lantern (the infamous back-up story that resulted in him being banned by the Comics Code Authority from ever drawing a Code-approved story every again) and more!
And he's the co-creator of Nemesis the Warlock, Ro-Busters, Metalzoic, Marshal Law and,...you know where I'm going with this...one of the early twenty-first century's most important comics, his collabpration with Alan Moore on several series of
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen. In the pentiumtulare series
Ctury, he provided portraits of Moore and himself throughgout the titular century:
"Rogues in the Gallery" from The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen Century: Century: 1910 (Top Shelf/Knockabout, April 2009), pencils by Kevin O'Neill