- October 2, 1804: Under duress, Garrison Keillor reluctantly shows Lewis and Clark the trail to Lake Wobegon (Manifest Destiny #19 and 22)
- October 2, 1872: Phileas Fogg immediately regrets suggesting this (The History of Science Fiction)
- October 2, 1888: The Best Jack the Ripper Walking Tour Ever (Thunderbolts #167)
- October 2, 1942: Germans mistake planes for jackrabbits (Warfront #36)
- October 2, 1949: The Spirit mixes up the words "barrage" and "garage" (The Spirit Section, January 1, 1950)
- October 2, 1955: Mrs. Hitchcock wanted to watch Ted Mack's Original Amateur Hour, but Alfred is boss of the TV viewing in this house (Alfred Hitchcock: Master of Suspense)
- October 2, 1979: The Pope disappoints crowd by only playing songs off his newest album (The Life of Pope John Paul II #1)
- October 2, 1982: Commissioner of Highways declares "In the future, we will always need roads!" (Back to the Future #1)
- October 2, 1986: Fingers are outlawed, and only outlaws have fingers (Deadface #1)
- October 2, 2013: Fox News viewer's typewriter explodes (CBLDF Liberty Annual 2013)
- October 2: The first test of the Cone of Silence is a dismal failure (Batman #407)
- October 2: Super Grey Hoodie Guy debuts (Black Market #1)
- October 2: Maybe you oughta shellac those things, Jack (The Road to Oz #5)
- October 2: Happy birthday, guy who comes in second on superstitious girl's love interest list! (Sweethearts #116)
Industry birthdays:
- October 2, 1926: Ramona Fradon
- October 2, 1951: Sting
- October 2: Jeremy Coombs
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