L: Amazing Spider-Man #294 (November 1987), art by Mike Zeck and Bob McLeod
R: What the?! #3 (October 1988), art by Alex Saviuk and Bob McLeod
(Click picture to Hogzilla-size)

Panel from What If? v.2 #11 (March 1990), script and pencils by Jim Valentino, inks by Jeff Albrecht, colors by Tom Vincent, letters by Phil Felix

Panels from Strange Tales #161 (October 1967), script and art by Jim Steranko, letters by Sam Rosen

Panel from What If Doctor Doom Had Become the Thing? one-shot (February 2005), script by Karl Kesel, pencils and inks by Paul Smith, colors by Paul Mounts, letter by Randy Gentile. That's Ben Grimm (as the Hulk) on the left there, and Dr. Doom (as the Thing) on the right.

Panels from Fantastic Four #13 (April 1963), script by Stan Lee, pencils by Jack Kirby, inks by Steve Ditko, letters by Artie Simek
Never fear!: "365 Days with Ben Grimm" will update as usual throughout the week.

Panels from Marvel-Team-Up Annual #5 (1982), script and pencils by Mark Gruenwald inks by Jim Mooney, colors by Diana Albers, letters by Bob Sharen

Panels from Marvel Monsters: Fin Fang 4 one-shot (December 2005), co-written by Scott Gray, co-written, pencilled, and inked by Roger Langridge, colored by James Brown, lettered by David Lanphear

Panels from Incredible Hulk #152 (June 1972), script by Gary Friedrich, pencils by Herb Trimpe and Dick Ayers, inks by Frank Giacoia, letters by Artie Simek