However, here's a post-'76 aversion. Born today in 1966: two heroes on the same day! At least, in the Post-Crisis but pre-Rebirth DCU: they're twins Jenny-Lynn Hayden and Todd Rice: Jade and Obsidian! As the children of the original Green Lantern Alan Scott, however, it's probable they no longer exist in the Post-Rebirth (2016+) age, as Alan has been retconned to be a a gay man. Still, whatever retcon, you can never keep a good character down: even Supergirl came back!

from Infinity Inc. (1984 series) #5 (DC, August 1984), text by Roy Thomas (?)
So remember: you have to buy two presents today, and you can't even get them the same present: one has to be green; the other one has to be black. May I suggest color-coded cardigans?

from Infinity Inc. (1984 series) #6 (DC, September 1984), text by Roy Thomas (?)
Happy birthday, you two wacky, possibly non-existent, certain weren't born in 1966 anyway kids!
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