But never so much as now, when he's treated the world to a Photoshop mashup that makes me blush in pride and giggle in delight: All Star Bully:
(based on panels in All Star Superman #6. And here's the post that started it all, Sleestak's "If I Wrote All Star Superman".)
If I had any sort of Photoshop skill, I'd be putting Hayley Mills popping out of a Kansas crater right at this moment. But since I'm dead crap at Photoshop, I'll simply have to say, Thank you very, very, very much!
Glad you liked. I'm terrible a photoshop and can never figure out of the drop shadow should be on the left or right of a tilted panel.
I bet Giraffo never had a cameo in All-Star Superman.
LOVE the cape.
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