And oh my! It snowed and snowed and snowed, really really hard!
For less than five minutes.
And then it stopped and the sun came out.
Huh? That was the fastest snowstorm I have ever seen! I knew London was a busy, busy metropolis, but who even know they were too busy for a full-fledged blizzard?!?
On the plus side, that meant it was cold and crisp but bright and clear when we stepped out of the Copthorne Tara after our fortifying breakfast of Wheetabix and cheese and tea. Off we went to a place in London that I have never been. Can you believe it? That's there's a place in London I've never been too before? Believe it! There's lots of places I haven't discovered yet, and that's one of the great joys of Londonthat there's a surprise around every corner. So off we went on the Circle Line (in an anti-clockwise direction!) to one of my very favorite Underground Stations of all, the wonderfully Victorian-y Baker Street station. It is so full of rich historical Victorian goodness that you almost expect to find Mister Sherlock Holmes riding up the escalator with Doctor Watson and calmly puffing on his meerschaum pipe. (No smoking on the Underground, Mister Holmes!) And in fact you'll find a lovely statue of Sherlock Holmes just outside the station:
If you turn to the right and walk up Baker Street you will soon come to 221B, and there you'll find the amazing Sherlock Holmes Museum which I highly recommend. But our path was taking us in a different direction today and we turned left to walk down the very busy Marylebone Road and then onto Marylebone High Street, home of some amazing shops! We had a specific destination in mind to start with: Camilla was quite keen on going to the Emma Bridgewater Shop to pick up some of her very favorite (or, as they say over here, favourite) pottery. But oh no! Holiday closures continue in some British stores even on the 27th, and I'm sad to say that the Emma Bridgewater Shop was closed, which was a bit of a disappointment to poor Camilla. But she soon cheered up when we found the very designy and elegant Conran Shop (home of some wonderful gifty items that were beautiful but much too pricey for my poor little change purseplus, they had a whole lovely china section I was not allowed in because of that whole "bull in..." thing!), an amazing bookstore called Daunt Books, a very nice Oxfam Shop with a huge number of books and records, The Little White Company, where Camilla bought some lovely children's things for Olivia, and then we had a refreshing and relaxing lunch at one of our familiar but favorite places to nosh, Pizza Express. Why, I even got to visit (okay, okay, stand outside) the offices of jus' about my favorite broadcasting company in the whole wide world, BBC London:
Why, if you don't think that the Marylebone High Street is jus' about one of the most wonderful shopping streets ever...well, you're jus' plain wrong, mate!

I always enjoy going to the Royal Shakespeare Company, and this was a bit of a treat because not only was it my favorite play (although I am partial to A Midsummer Night's Dream too!), but because it was the first time I got to go to a RSC play at their new location in the Gielgud Theatre in busy busy Shaftesbury Avenue. It's smack-dab in the middle of the West End theatre district which is quite a difference from all those many times I saw the RSC at the Barbican Centre. It looks like the RSC has abandoned their major space in the Barbican Centrethey had a nice modern theatre there in the 1980s but the Barbican is so far off the beaten path, and there's so little else to do around the area, especially after dark, that this may have been a smart move. I won't miss running for the Barbican Station tueb train after a show, but I will miss the large RSC gift shop at the Barbican, and following the painted yellow line on the pavement around Shakespeare Towers to get to the theatre there. It was like following a treasure map, and the treasure was a great performance!

This perfect day ends with a chocolate bar from a Tube station vending machine, a lovely treat as we head home to the hotel after a busy and pleasant day. The air is cold and clear. It might snow again tomorrow and make it another magical daybut even if it doesn't, this day is one to remember.
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