Monday, April 29, 2024

Today in Comics History, April 29: Happy birthday, Kate Mulgrew!

Born on this day: actor Kate Mulgrew, who starred in Ryan's Hope, Orange Is the New Black, Mrs. Columbo aka Kate Columbo aka Kate the Detective aka Kate Loves a Mystery, but today we salute her mainly using comic books about her role as Captain Kathryn Janeway in Star Trek: Voyager, because there were no Mrs. Columbo comic books and I can't get to my Ryan's Hope comic books (Gold Key, 1975-1983, 47 issues) ever since the "R" section of my Underground Comics Vault collapsed late last year in a freak Ravage 2099 incident.

cover of Star Trek: Voyager (1966 series) #14 (Marvel/Paramount, February 1998), pencils by Terry Pallot, inks by Al Milgrom

In a slightly different universe, today's post would have featured Geneviève Bujold, and that would be weird, because her birthday is on July 1.

from Star Trek: Voyager (1966 series) #1 (Marvel/Paramount, November 1996), script by Laurie Sutton, pencils and inks by Jesús Redondo, colors by John Kalisz, letters by Chris Eliopoulos

"Wait, we're trying to rescue a ship full of Neelixes? ALL PHASERS FIRE!"

Luckily MAD magazine came around to really promote Kate Mulgrew in the manner in which she is entitled — depicted by Mort Drucker!

from "Star Blecch: Voyeur" in MAD #339 (September 1995), script by Dick DeBartolo, pencils and inks by Mort Drucker

Remember: not even you can prevent the episode "Threshold." It's CANON, fanboys!

Happy birthday, Kate Mulgrew!

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