from The Amazing World of Superman (DC, March 1973)
Spot Joe Letterese at the Superman/Ali prize fight, won't you?

cover of All-New Collectors' Edition #C-56 (DC, March 1978), layout by Joe Kubert, pencils by Neal Adams, inks by Neal Adams (?) and/or Cory Adams (?), logo design by John Workman
(Click top picture to GOAT-size)
Oh yeah? Well, then how about finding him on this back cover, smart guy, huh?

back cover of The Best of DC Blue Ribbon Digest #5 (DC, May 1980), pencils by Ross Andru, inks by Dick Giordano
Happy birthday, Joe!
1 comment:
I used to credit a lot of Joe Letterese's work to Gaspar Saladino on a deadline or trying to switch up his style — which isn't meant to be a dig, just to account for the variation. Some of their work on covers and house ads is surprisingly hard to distinguish, even by such expert spotters as Todd Klein. And he's also known for designing the fight-scene display lettering on the '60s Batman show.
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