No, I don't know why his birthday is listed as June 6, 1966 here.

from Marvel UK comics cover-dated November 1993

Here's a weird portrayal of Bryan from an indie story about how a Thing/She-Hulk story never happened!

from Occupational Hazards #1 (CD Comics, September 2000); story by Todd Dezago; script by Johnathan Tipton; pencils, inks, and letters by Daniel Rivera
You may remember his stint on Sensational She-Hulk after the tough-to-follow John Byrne run!

from Marvel Age #98 (Marvel, March 1991), interview by James Frederick Nelson
If you're wondering how to celebrate his birthday…why not draw Hawkman?

from (top) DC Nation #0 (DC, July 2018) #0, and
(bottom) DC comics cover-dated August 2018
Happy birthday, Bryan!

(top) "DCYou" from DC Comics cover-dated February 2016;
(bottom) "Bullpen Bulletins" from Marvel Comics cover-dated September 2023
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