from Mighty Marvel Calendar 1979 and 1980 (Marvel, 1978 and 1979)
Sol drew covers and stories for Timely/Atlas/Marvel, including Battlefield, Millie the Model, Combat Kelly, Crime Can't Win, Patsy Walker, Adventures into Terror, Tales to Astonish, Marvel Tales, Girl Comics, Crime Exposed, Mystery Tales, the giveaway comic Adventures of the Big Boy, and many others.

from Amazing Fantastic Incredible: A Marvelous Memoir (Simon & Schuster, January 2019), script by Peter David and Stan Lee, art by Colleen Doran
He designed the logos for Fantastic Four (also inking #3-4) and Amazing Spider-Man with Artie Simek, among many other feats. And he co-founded Skywald Comics! Whew!

Jack Kirby thought pretty highly of him, too.

from Jack Kirby: The Epic Life of the King of Comics (Ten Speed, July 2020), script and art by Tom Scioli
I can scarcely sum up even a fraction of Brodsky's contribution to comics here. I highly recommend picking up a backissue of Marvel Age #22, a great obituary and history with lots of fond memories from his friends and co-workers of Sol Brodsky and his work.

from Marvel Age #22 (Marvel, January 1985)
Here's a couple of brief obituary-salutes to Sol from other issues of MARVEL AGE. The second one is written by Jim Shooter.

from Marvel Age #20 and 21 (Marvel, November and Decemebr 1984)
Of course, as I try to feature in these birthday threads, Sol Brodsky appeared in Marvel Comics as well. Check him out here shocked by the beached Namor! Can you find 'im?

from Sub-Mariner (1968 series) #19 (Marvel, November 1969), script by Roy Thomas, pencils and colors by Marie Severin, inks by Johnny Craig, letters by Artie Simek
But Sol's best-known appearance within the comics was as Earth-1228's Human Torch, along with his co-workers as the Fantastic Four!

from What If...? (1976 series) #11 (Marvel, October 1978); script and pencils by Jack Kirby; inks by Mike Royer, Bill Wray, Scott Shaw!, and Dave Stevens; colors by Carl Gafford; letters by Mike Royer
We miss you, and Happy Birthday, Sol Brodsky!

from from Marvel Tales Annual #1 (Marvel, September 1964)
Fantastic Four Annual #7 (Marvel, November 1969), and
1975 Mighty Marvel Convention Program Book (Marvel, 1975), photograph by Michele Wolfman
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