from The Brute Man (Universal, 1946), directed by Jean Yarbrough
His distinctive appearance has also been used in several comics, such as this disguise employed by Judge Dredd...

from "[The Face-Change Crimes]" in 2000 AD Prog 52 (IPC, 18 February 1978), script by John Howard, pencils and inks by Brian Bolland, letters by Tom Frame
...and this Drew Friedman cartoon from RAW:

from RAW (1980 series) #8 (Raw Books, September 1986), by Drew Friedman
His face was the template for "The Creep" in a Dark Horse serial.

from "Homicide: The Creep" in Dark Horse Presents (1986 series) #54 (Dark Horse, September 1991); script by John Arcudi; pemncils, inks, letters and cover by Gray Morrow
Hatton is memorialized by The Rondo Hatton Classic Horror Awards, established in 2002, honoring achievements in classic horror film, television, and literature annually.
Happy birthday, Rondo!

from The Rocketeer Adventure Magazine #2 (Comico, July 1989), pencils and inks by Dave Stevens and Mike Kaluta
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