Hey, we got mail in the old Bully e-box! Today's
Arroooo from You comes from cheerful commenter Adam, aka
Colossus_2000 (Hmmm, any relation to
this dude?), who submits a mighty
arroooo from a comic book that I didn't even know existed:
The Abominations, a super-team featuring Hulk nemesis The Abomination and some other mighty guys, including
Shulk (the future She-Hulk!) and
Mok the War Dog, who contributes an
arroooo equivalent that
says it all:

Panel portion from The Abominations #2 (January 1997), script by Ivan Velez Jr., pencils by Angel Medina, inks by Brad Vancata and Scott Koblish, colors by Glynis Oliver, letters by Jim Novak
Click picture to Abomi-size
Really, I ain't kidding:
do click picture to Abomi-size, 'coz what you're seeing there is only one small corner of a frenzied and frantic two-page spread that Colossus_2000 was kind enough to send in. Not only does it
contain arroooo, but everything else but the kitchen sink too! So,
click away to see the full Cinemascope experience! Do it! Do it
Remember, you can get your name
in lights up here on
Bully Says: Comics Oughta Be Fun by sending in
your own arroooo (or similar) scanned from any comic book we haven't covered here yet. Email your scans to this address:
Or, you can post it on your own blog and send me a link so I can link back and properly credit you for your
Thanks, Colossus_2000! For duty above and beyond the call of Bully-boosters, I hereby award you a virtual
Bully-Prize (Howling Arroooo Division)! In the words of Thor, son of Odin, the mighty Norse god of thunder: "Verily, dude,
thou totally rocketh!"
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