from "George Westinghouse" in True Comics #50 (Parents' Magazine Press, July 1946), pencils (and inks?) by Sam Glankoff

His date of death is so notable it was observed in two different comic books. Wow, even Wolverine didn't get that kind of publicity!

from "George Westinghouse" in Real Life Comics #13 (Pines, September 1943), pencils and inks by Bob Oksner
Say, considering all the work Westinghouse did with massive amount of electrical current, you don't suppose he died from them...?

"Officer Edward Maher and the Mad Dog Killers of Fifth Avenue" from Crime Does Not Pay (1942 series) #22 (Lev Gleason, July 1942), pencils and inks by Frank Volpe
Naw, couldn't be.
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