from "Break the Bank" in Funny Animals (1954 series) #87 (Charlton, October 1954), pencils and inks by Al Fago
Let's turn to the next story for some kiddie fun without any violent implications, 'kay?

from "No Escape Clauses!" in Funny Animals #87, creators unidentified and unknown; originally published in Fawcett's Funny Animals #59 (Fawcett, Summer 1948)
Hmm, the next story seems to be a gun-free zone. I'm certain no one gets seriously hurt in thi...

from "No Joke" in Funny Animals #87, pencils and inks by Chad Grothkopf (?); originally published in Fawcett's Funny Animals #57 (Fawcett, Winter 1947)
OW. That pig surely had to have reconstructive face plastic surgery.
Is there no one to save us from the violence inherent in the system of comic book cartoon animals?

"Satisfied" from Funny Animals #87, creators unidentified and unknown; originally published in Fawcett's Funny Animals #54 (Fawcett, October 1947)
Oh, phew! Thanks goodness for the classics.
That “Bam!” panel’s almost as hypnotic as “Cocaine!!!” and “Then… Korea”.
I guess Wertham was right... 😅
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