Wednesday, June 01, 2022

The Super DC Calendar for 1977 2022: June Jurisprudence in (Davy) Jones (Locker)

New! In a series of print 'em out, cut 'em out, paste 'em up on your wall (be cautious if you have parents or a cranky landlord): the 1977 Super DC Calendar! The wording of which always puzzles me: is it the calendar that's super, or just DC Comics? Or is the super-action between the Aquaman family (Aquaman, Lady Aquaman, Teen Aquaman, Topo, not pictured) against Black Manta? You make the call, because it's gonna be hanging on your wall (except, as I noted before, if anyone who owns your home objects) all this month long!

"June 1977," from Super DC Calendar 1977 (DC, 1976), pencils and inks by Jim Aparo
(Click picture to blue whale*-size)
(*klaxon blares for Alan Davies)

The same thing, but for Marvel? Comin' up in a mere half hour!

1 comment:

Blam said...

"Look out, Aquaman! Black Manta's harnessed the awesome power of the Fox searchlights (1935-2020)!"