Thursday, January 27, 2011

Color My World-616

Hey, everybody! Get out your crayons and let's color!

Bully Colors

I find it works best to get yourself the biggest box of crayons you can find:

832 crayons

Are you sitting comfortable? With your crayons? Then let's begin!

FF vs. FF
from Fantastic Four vs. the Frightful Four Coloring Book (1983)

Color the Thing orange.

Color Mr. Fantastic's uniform blue.

Color the Invisible Girl's face bright pink because from her expression, we know she is clearly drunk.

Don't color the Human Torch. He is dead.

Marvel Super Heroes Activity Book
from Marvel Super-Heroes Super Activity Book (1983)

Color the Hulk green.

Color the grass and trees green.

Color the mountains green. He is in Vermont.

What the heck, color the sky green.

Marvel Super Heroes Activity Book

Are you worried about Hulk?

Don't worry! Hulk always gets it in the end.

Marvel Super Heroes Activity Book

Color Loki's outfit green and gold. Loki is kind of a jerk, isn't he?

Color Thor's hair blonde. If you can find his neck, color that pink.

Loki looks pretty ticked off that Thor answered his riddle. Maybe you shouldn't have waved the magic pencil in his face, Loki.

If Heimdall was in this picture, you could color him any color you want.

Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Crime of the Centuries
from Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars: The Crime Of Centuries Coloring Book (1984)

Color Kang's uniform purple and green.

Color Napoleon's hat blue.

Color Dr. Martin Luther King brown.

Color Reagan...hey! Ronald Reagan? He doesn't belong in a montage of great leaders!

What's the matter, couldn't find Winston Churchill?

(That's a dumb question. Kang can't even find a matching ensemble!)

Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Crime of the Centuries

Color the policeman's uniform and hat blue.

Color Doctor Octo...what the Sam Scratch is going on here? Doctor Octopus is kidnapping Ronald Reagan and taking him back in time on his War Wheel? Awesome!

Color me wishing this was a real comic.

Marvel Super Heroes Secret Wars Crime of the Centuries

Match the names with the faces. "We've matched the first name and face," it says on the bottom.

Color me bemused because they didn't match the first name and face.

Go ahead...color in Reagan's face purple and match him to the name "Kang." I won't tell anybody.

Do not get "King" confused with "Kang."

Color it yourself!

Now draw what the Secret Wars would have been if Spider-Man, Wolverine, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Doc Ock, Kang, and Ronald Reagan were kidnapped to Battleworld and forced to fight each other!

Color it any color you want. Because you should never listen to people who tell you to color things a particular color and...

(Uh oh.)


Jack said...

"Don't color the Human Torch. He is dead."

Oh I can't stop laughing.

Ron Hogan said...

That looks more like Thurgood Marshall than Martin Luther King, but that isn't even the right mustache for Thurgood Marshall.

-- MrJM said...

@Ron - Great leaders of the past all look alike.

-- MrJM

SallyP said...

I laughed till I cried.