And just like Mister John, what arroooo also says is...sweet, sweet, love. Love of a man for a woman, and for her excellent bunny-pulling-out-of-a-hat talents. (Well, that's what I look for in a gilrfriend!) It's the kind of skill that just makes a mustached, fluffy-haired man of the 1980s go arroooo, or its closest DC Universe equivalent. What am I talkin' about? I'm talkin' about tonight's "Arroooo From You," submitted by fearless and frantic philosopher Phaustus aka Philippe, overloard of Tragical History, "The World's Most Obscure Comics Blog!" Well, I dunno know about that...Philippe's font choice for his header is flawless. Not only that, but he's contributed tonight's awesomely abracadrabric arroooo and you can find it by clickety-click-clicking right here to see his post on Zatanna Special #1, and by reading the scary, scary tale of a man who's so close to a werewolf, his hair is perfect.
The DC Wikia, which comes in twenty-three volumes you can buy at your local Piggly-Wiggly, tells us that the Zatanna Special was originally created as a four-issue miniseries, but edited into one single annual-size special, deleting many pages of Grey Morrow's beautiful artwork in the process. Well, we can at least be glad they didn't omit arroooo! Thanks, Philippe, for alerting us all to the joy and beauty that is arroooo in the world of stage magicians, their fishnet stockings, and their 1980s boyfriends. You're hereby awarded the extremely rare Bull-Prize known as the Ezirp-Llub!
Do you wanna arroooo? It's easy as pie! Just email me a panel or panels featuring the sound effect arroooo (or a similar sound effect) scanned from any comic book we haven't covered here yet. Make sure you tell me what comic book it comes from, and email your scans to this address:
Or, like Philippe, you can post it on your own blog and send me a link so I can link back and properly credit you for your arroooo!
So, in conclusion, folks, remember the words of Elton John: "She's got electric boots, a mohair suit/You know I read it in a magazine arroooo..."
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