He looked just like us...

...but he had amazing powers.

In the years following, his fame spread.

He gained quite a following...

...and gathered around him a group of learned companions...

...who would help those in need.

He walked on water...

...and many other amazing feats...

...more impressive than the Roman gods.

But most important, he preached a message of love.

Not everyone loved him, however.

The powers-that-be were annoyed...

...and kept a close eye on him...

...and his unusual ways.

They condemned his message of love.

Following his last supper...

...almost everyone turned against him.

Even his close friends betrayed him.

The Romans pursued him...

...and finally got him in the end.

Although he could have defied them...

...he accepted that his fate was sealed.

They marched him up a hill.

The decree was death...

...and they killed him.

He rose up in three days.

He was back!

He ascended to be alongside his father and spirit.

Today, many tales are told of him...

Sadly, much violence is done in his name.

But those who truly know him, know that he taught us to stand against evil,

To be kind to our brothers,

And most important, he taught us to love.

Happy Easter, everyone!

But you missed a Captain Carrot cover. I don't know why I always think of Cpt. Carrot during Easter, but I do.
Good Easter to you, sir!
Omission of Captain Carrot + inclusion of Jaxxon = Forgiveness.
Easily my favorite post out of all the things you've ever done, Bully. (And that's saying something...)
That was nifty. Happy Easter, Easter Bully.
There needs to be an Interdimensional League of Super-Rabbits...
And some cheerful sacrilege to you too, Bully!
That's was great, Bully. Happy Easter right back at you!
Was there ever a Bucky O'Hare comic? I remember a cartoon, not sure about a comic though.
That was damn nice...
(and another thing, the Bugs Bunny cover with the pink background where his rival is curiously trying to take a peek at what he's got is priceless)
Very well done!
-- MrJM
The amount of loving effort you put into this blog is astounding, Bully.
(PS: I think it's Calvary and not Cavalry.)
@MrJM and Blam!: Why, thank you very much! (blush)
@Blam!: On that one, that was actually the joke. "You idiot, this isn't the hill named after charging horses!"
(adjusts glasses) Er... Who's this Blam fellow? I'm, uh, freelance writer Earl Crawford.
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