What does Willi have to do with comics? Well...

covers of Amazing Spider-Man Annual #21 (Marvel, September 1987), pencils and inks by John Romita, Sr.

Comics fans will know real-life Willi Smith as the in-universe designer of the wedding dress of Mary Jane Watson, the glamorous supermodel who, in another life and a universe or two back, married the spectacular, amazing, sensational Peter Parker!

from Amazing Spider-Man Annual #21; plot by Jim Shooter; script by David Michelini, pencils by Paul Ryan, inks by Vince Colletta, letters by Rick Parker
Willi was also a guest at the Watson/Parker wedding, which means that he's almost certainly gotten the best of J. Jonah Jameson in a conversation.

Remember all those issues of Patsy Walker and Katy Keene where the readers designed the fashions? Step aside, kids, here's how a pro does it!

from Marvel Age #54 (Marvel, September 1987); cover art by John Romita, Sr., dress art by Willi Smith
Many fine fashion designers have seen their works reproduced as paper dolls, but how many can say they've been represented in the sublime work of Bill Sienkiewicz?

from Marvel Age #54; top: art by John Romita, Sr. Vince Colletta, and Janet Jackson;
bottom: art by Bill Sienkiewicz
Willi died far too soon, in 1987, at the age of 39. He's rightly recognized as one of the great 20th century designers, his work popularizing the rise of modern streetwear at affordable prices. We can only imagine what he might have done in his later years and mourn his passing.

from "Bullpen Bulletins" in Marvel Comics cover-dated October 1987
Learn more about Willi Smith:

from Amazing Spider-Man Annual #21
Happy Birthday, Willi. Thank you for giving us an icon of comics design and for all your work. You are much missed.

from Amazing Fantastic Incredible: A Marvelous Memoir (Simon & Schuster, January 2019), script by Peter David and Stan Lee, art by Colleen Doran
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