Sunday, November 05, 2023

Bully and His Pals: Happy birthday, Shelly!

On November 1 it was the birthday of my pal Shelly the Little Otter Puppet — her eighth birthday, in fact (which is a very good age to be, at least when she is not flaunting over me the fact that she is older than me). It's been such a hectic week that we didn't have time to celebrate until tonight, so luckily Shelly has been very gracious about that fact. Photographs are by the lovely Randi, who always makes us look great!

And now, birthday cinnamon babka!

Happy birthday, Shelly! Tho' we sometimes squabble and quibble, you are truly a great pal. Who smells like fish.

"I do not!"—Shelly


Blam said...

“Who’s there?”
“Babke’s uvula.”

Blam said...

PS: Belated Happy Birthday, Shelly!