Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Today in Comics History, October 17, 1967: The Funeral of Brian Epstein

from The Beatles in Comics! (NBM, November 2018); script by Richard Di Martino; translation by Joe Johnson; pencils, inks, and colors by Richard DiMartino; letters by Ortho

Rest in peace, Brian.


Manqueman said...

Funny/not funny: I got the idea from watching the Get Back documentary that for quite awhile prior to his death that the only thing that kept the Beatles together was Epstein. After he passed, it seemed that he was the only thing that kept the band together. After that it's like it was a matter of time before they'd break up.
Tangential and highly subjective: They worked much better as a group than individually. None had any albums as good as the latter Beatles albums. Of course YMMV.

Bully said...

Oh, I agree with you. A lot of the heart seemed to go out of the interpersonal relationships of the Beatles after Brian died, and I think his management held them together through disagreements and conflicts. Without him, a breakup was probably inevitable.