from (top) New West #1 (Black Bull, March 2005);
(bottom) Marvel Age #112 (Marvel, May 1992)

And occasionally, Jimmy pops up inside the comic books as well! He's somewhere in the crowd at Karen Page's funeral. I that him behind Matt?

from Daredevil (1998 series) #8 (Marvel, June 1999), script by Kevin Smith, pencils by Joe Quesada, inks by Jimmy Palmiotti, colors by Richard Isanove, letters by Richard Starkings and Liz Agraphiotis
Then, he clowns around with Kevin Smith and Joe Quesada. Fumetti, won't you, everyone?

from Daredevil (1998 series) #½ (Marvel/Wizard, August 1999)
I spent a long time searching for Jimmy in background of the prison riot scenes in this story, only to discover him right on page 1. In the credits!

from The Punisher (1987 series) #56 (Marvel, December 1991), script by Mike Baron, pencils by Hugh Haynes, inks by Jimmy Palmiotti, colors by Marcus David, letters by Ken Lopez
Jimmy's appeared frequently in the pages of the fourth wall-smashin' Harley Quinn series by Palmiotti and wife Amanda Conner!

from Harley Quinn (2016 series) #34 (DC, March 2018), script by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti, pencils and inks by Chad Hardin, colors by Alex Sinclair, letters by Dave Sharpe
Here's Amanda and Jimmy (and Harley's ex-husband Frank Frank) poppin' up in the final issue of that run:

from Harley Quinn (2016 series) #75 (DC, October 2020), script by Sam Humphries, pencils by Emanuela Lupacchino, inks by Ray McCarthy, colors by Annette Kwok and Tamra Bonvillain, letters by Dave Sharpe
Better watch out, Jimmy: HQ has a vendetta out on ya!

from Harley Quinn Invades Comic-Con International one-shot (DC, September 2014), script by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti, pencils and inks by Marco Failla, colors by Brett R. Smith, letters by John J. Hill
And then, Ghost Rider killed Jimmy.

from Ghost Rider (1990 series) #13 (Marvel, May 1991), script by Howard Mackie, pencils and figure inks by Mark Texeira, background inks by Jimmy Palmiotti, colors by Gregory Wright, letters by Janice Chiang
(Click yop picture to mausoleum-size)
So happy birthday, Jimmy Palmiotti! Please, you and Amanda relax at the reception and enjoy the punch!

from Harley Quinn (2014 series) #0 (DC, January 2014), script by Amanda Conner and Jimmy Palmiotti, pencils and inks by Darwyn Cooke, colors by all these people, letters by John J. Hill
1 comment:
“POUND SLICE” is also how Rorschach orders at the deli counter.
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