Born on this day in 1892, so you know he's really old: J. R. R. Tolkien, author of The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings, the publication of which has ruined fantasy fan online discussions for the rest of the existence of the world.

from Tolkien: Lighting Up the Darkness (Ablaze, February 2024), script by Willy Duraffourg, art by Giancarlo Caracuzzo, colors by Flavia Caracuzzo and Joël Odone
Today is also the day, 21 years later, when Tolkien's life suddenly veered into being a Richard Curtis-style rom-com:

His The Hobbit was made into a pretty nice comic book:

cover of The Hobbit (Eclipse/Ballantine, November 1990), painted art by David Wenzel, logo by Steve Vance
How popular are Tolkien's works? Why, they inspired a X-Men guy!

from [Uncanny] X-Men (1963 series) #60 (Marvel, September 1969), script by Roy Thomas, pencils and colors by Neal Adams, inks by Tom Palmer, letters by Sam Rosen
Why, everybody reads Tolkien, even guys who have based their entire lives cosplaying his characters!

from Spider-Woman (1979 series) #2 (Marvel, February 1979), script by Mark Gruenwald, pencils by Carmine Infantino, inks by Al Gordon, colors by Françoise Mouly, letters by Irv Watanabe
Happy birthday, Professor Tolkien! Here, help yourself to some of my pipeweed. It's made of bubble gum.

from "The Professor, The Queen and the Bookshop" in Doctor Who Magazine #429 (Panini UK, 12 January 2011), script by Jonathan Morris, pencils and inks by Rob Davis, colors by Geraint Ford, letters by Roger Langridge
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