from Mighty Marvel Calendar 1979 and 1980 (Marvel, 1978-1979)

from Marvel Age #32, 56, 92 and 104 (Marvel, November 1985, November 1987, September 1990, and September 1991); text by Jim Salicrup (#32), Mike Carlin (#56) and Chris Eliopoulis and Barry Dutter (#92 and 104); pencils and inks by Ron Zalme; colors by Andy Yanchus (#32), Paul Becton (#56) and Renee Witterstaetter (#104)
Clever Terry snuck his own birthday into this strip featuring one of his favorite characters, Ziggy Pig!

from (top) "Terry Austin's Famous Inker's School Talent Test" in What The—?! #2 (Marvel, September 1988); by Terry Austin;
(bottom) Marvel Age #46 (Marvel, January 1987), also by Terry Austin
He and co-creator Roger Stern often snuck themselves into gag strips in Hulk reprints!

backup strips from Marvel Super-Heroes #103 (Marvel, November 1981), script by Roger Stern, pencils and inks by Terry Austin

backup strip from Marvel Super-Heroes #104 (Marvel, December 1981), script by Roger Stern, pencils and inks by Terry Austin

"What If the Hulk Married the She-Hulk????" in What If...? (1977 series) #34 (Marvel, August 1982); script by Roger Stern; pencils, inks, and letters by Terry Austin
Looking for non-cartoon, real-life Terry Austin? We've got you covered!
(Click picture to Ziggy-size)
Even when Terry chooses not to show up, he's a star!

from "Editori-Al" in Marvel Fanfare (1982 series) #2 (Marvel, May 1982); script, pencils, and inks by Al Milgrom, letters by Janice Chiang (?)
Happy happy birthday, Terry, ya nut! Anybody who's a Kate Bush fan is A-OK in my book!

from Marvel Age #96 (Marvel, January 1991), art by Terry Austin
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