from "Angels with Yellow Faces" in Simpsons Comics #46 (Bongo, December 1999), script by Eric Rogers, pencils by Phil Ortiz, inks by Tim Bavington, letters by Jeannine Crowell Black

from Movie Love #5 (Eastern Color, October 1950), pencils and inks by Phil Berube
She's also been on the covers of comic books! In fact, she was on the cover of so many comic books that people started callin' her "Miss America," until Marvel/Timely sued them to stop.

From an adaptation of her romantic comedy with Peter Lawford, "Just This Once!" True to her vow to the title, Janet never co-starred with Peter again.

from Movie Love #14 (Eastern Color, April 1952), pencils and inks by Henry Kiefer
As befitted (befat?) one of the leading stars of Hollywood, Janet Leigh was of course parodied by MAD magazine!

from "How to Read Between the Lines and Fill In Those Little Dots in a Gossip Column" in MAD #63 (June 1961), script by Don Reilly, pencils and inks by George Woodbridge
What's Norma Shearer got to do it it (Janet's career, that is)?

from Movie Love #17 (Eastern Color, October 1952), pencils and inks by Frank Fogarty
Happy birthday, Janet!

from Popular Teen-Agers #7 (Star, April 1951)
1 comment:
Why, Pa Kent — You two-timer!
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