from Marvel Age #31, 55, and 91 (Marvel, October 1985, October 1987, and August 1990); text by Jim Salicrup (#31), Mike Carlin (#55) and Chris Eliopoulis and Barry Dutter (#91); pencils and inks by Ron Zalme; colors by Andy Yanchus (#31), Paul Becton (#54) and Renee Witterstaetter (#91)
Harry Candelario: Marvel's original Strong Guy! But say, just what did being a photostat operator entail?

from (top) Marvel Age #46 (Marvel, January 1981),
(bottom) Marvel/New Universe Comics cover-dated June 1987
Harry and the Marvel

from "Robbie's Page" in Marvel Fanfare #12 (Marvel, January 1984)
Harry has retired from comics and now works as a web designer. Hope all your SEOs are mighty and powerful today, and happy birthday, Harry!

from What If? (1977 series) #34 (Marvel, August 1982); text, pencils, inks and letters by Rick Parker
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