from Marvel Comics Memory Album Calendar 1977 (Marvel, 1976); and Marvel Age #31, 55, 91, and 103 (Marvel, October 1985, October 1987, August 1990, and August 1991); text by Jim Salicrup (#31), Mike Carlin (#55) and Chris Eliopoulis and Barry Dutter (#91 and 103); pencils and inks by Ron Zalme; colors by Andy Yanchus (#31), Paul Becton (#54) and Renee Witterstaetter (#91 and 103)
He was also the first artist to ink Wolverine (Herb Trimpe penciled) and Blade (Gene Colan).

(top and middle) header and final panels of Incredible Hulk #180 and splash page of Incredible Hulk #181 (Marvel, October-November 1974), script by Len Wein, pencils by Herb Trimpe, inks by Jack Abel, colors by Glynis Oliver, letters by Artie Simek
(bottom) from Tomb of Dracula (1972 series) #10 (Marvel, July 1973), script by Marvin Wolfman, pencils by Gene Colan, inks by Jack Abel (misspelled in credits), colors by Petra Goldberg, letters by Denise Wohl
Assorted silliness with Jack:

1. FOOM #7 (Marvel, September 1974)
2. Marvel Comics cover-dated January 1984
3. Marvel/New Universe Comics cover-dated August 1987
4. Marvel Age #112 (Marvel, May 1992)
Like Ross Andru and Mike Esposito on DC's Sea Devils, Jack also got to draw himself into the briny action. Me, I get enough briny action trying to open a can of tuna for my pal Shelly the Little Otter Puppet.

from "Challenge of the Fish Champions!" in Sea Devils #14 (DC, November 1963), script by Ed Herron, pencils and inks by Jack Abel
And here he is (lower right corner) offering an editorial decision on a silly story by Roger Stern and Terry Austin! (He wasn't even the magazine's real editor!)

"Hulk-Hare" from Marvel Super Heroes #103 (Marvel, November 1981), script by Roger Stern, pencils and inks by Terry Austin, colors by Don Warfield (?), letters by Tom Orzechowski
Yep, Jack even was at the Superman/Muhammad Ali prizefight! After all his work for Supes, would the Man of Steel have dared to not invite him?

cover of All-New Collectors' Edition #C-56 (DC, March 1978), layout by Joe Kubert, pencils by Neal Adams, inks by Neal Adams (?) and/or Cory Adams (?), logo design by John Workman
(Click top picture to GOAT-size)
And here Jack is somewhere in the Marvel Bullpen! Spot him and you win — the change to wish him a very happy birthday!

from Marvel Age #120 (Marvel, January 1993), art by Rick Parker
(Click top picture to Bullpen-size)
Happy birthday, Jack!

from 1975 Mighty Marvel Convention Program Book (Marvel, 1975), photo by Michele Wolfman
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